OCR Europe - the European Obstacle Sports Federation
2019-05-29 Malin Spång, president EOSFOCR Europe - the European Obstacle Sports Federation (EOSF)
Obstacle Sports Federation (EOSF) exists to represent the needs of the national member federation athletes. OCR Europe (EOSF) is the umbrella organization for European obstacle sports, related disciplines and events. The members of the OCR Europe are the national federation members of World OCR in Europe. The institutional name of the Association is the "European Obstacle Sports Federation" (EOSF), with its seat initially in the home country of the President.
OCR Europe promotes, supervises and direct obstacle course championships in Europe by promoting the practice of obstacle course racing and to controlling the organization of international competitions in Europe, for national teams and club teams, in a permanent, regular manner and in compliance with the FISO Official Competition Rules.

Structure of OCR Europe
The General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest executive power of OCR Europe and is made up of delegates from the members, the national federations representing the countries of Europe.
The board consists of; the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary General, and Members and delegates from the countries
More about the responsibilities can be found on https://ocr-europe.org/commissions . If you are interested to become a member of any commission – contact us through the webpage.
Competitions Commission
The Competitions' Commission shall have the duty to examine, advise and/or prepare proposals on: The regulations governing all European competitions for both national and club teams as well as the regulations established by other divisions of OCR Europe for international competitions.
Finance Commission
The Finance Commission shall have the duty to assist the Treasurer and the Secretary General in their responsibilities.
Legal & Appeals Commission
The Legal Commission shall have the duty to examine, advise and/or prepare proposals on all questions of a legal nature related to obstacle course racing in Europe including the Bye-Laws and regulations of OCR Europe.
Safety & Technical Commissions
The Safety' Commission shall have the duty to examine, advise and/or prepare proposals on Obstacle Safety Standards following World OCR standards, policies and guidelines. Medical Safety coordinating with the FISO Medical Commission and following World OCR standards, policies and guidelines.
Technical Commission
The Technical Commission shall have the following duties: To train international commissioners and referees in Europe in co-operation with the national federations and FISO. To train national and international referees instructors and evaluators, in co-operation with the national federations and FISO.
Women's Commission
The Women's Commission shall have the following duties: To study all issues of obstacle course racing relating to women; To communicate, when necessary, with the other bodies of OCR Europe in order to present the woman athlete's point of view.
Youth Commission
The Youth Commission shall have the following duties: To study all issues relating to youth obstacle course racing and young people's categories.

European Championship
27 - 30 JUNE 2019, GDYNIA
The OCR European Championships is held to develop and promote Obstacle Course Racing, related disciplines and events in Europe and to support elite European OCR racing talent, promote top European race events and provide an opportunity for age group athletes to compete alongside elites.
The OCR European Championships consist of qualifying events around Europe culminating in one final event in June. The Championships rotate between host countries each year.

Memberships – National federations
If you are seeking recognition as a national governing body (National Member Federation, NF) for an Obstacle Sport or related discipline, instructions are available in the Joining Kit and Membership Criteria documents from World OCR. You must complete and return the National Federation Membership Application to be considered for affiliation.
European organizations granted membership of World OCR are automatically assigned membership of OCR Europe. There can only be one NF member for each country. If more than one organization is seeking membership, collaboration will be encouraged, and assistance provided to facilitate co-operation.